• Journal of Food & Nutritional Sciences
Research Article

Glucosinolate and Isothiocyanate Contents of Frozen Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts and a Whole-food Cruciferous Supplement Over Time

Journal of Food & Nutritional Sciences [2019; 1(1):37-48]
Received: 19 April 2019, Accepted: 06 May 2019, Published: 13 May 2019

Cruciferous vegetables have gained status as a functional food. Putative chemoprotective effects of cruciferous vegetables have been attributed to glucosinolates, which can be hydrolyzed to isothiocyanates (ITCs). Indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a product of glucobrassicin hydrolysis, is associated with in vitro and in vivo chemoprotective effects. The total glucosinolate and ITC contents and selected glucosinolate profiles of frozen broccoli and Brussels sprouts and a whole-food cruciferous supplement were determined. Brussels sprouts contained more total glucosinolates and glucobrassicin, whereas the supplement contained more ITC than either vegetable. Steaming the vegetables for 3-4 min did not affect glucosinolate or ITC content, except for decreases in glucobrassicin and gluconasturttin and an increase in ITC content in broccoli. Total glucosinolate, glucobrassicin, and ITC content declined over time in frozen broccoli and the supplement, but not in Brussels sprouts; however, substantial variability was observed. Interventions using whole-food cruciferous vegetables, should consider the cultivar, myrosinase content, and phytochemical degradation during storage.

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