For Authors > Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

To publish with us, authors are requested to submit their manuscripts to our Editorial Tracker System (ET System) which is an efficient online manuscript manager created to provide the best assistance to the authors. Original manuscripts are required to be submitted at The Editorial office will also process your submission if you send it by email to While submitting the manuscript, authors must include a cover letter consisting of name, address, telephone, and fax number along with the email address of the corresponding author. Please follow the guidelines below to compile the manuscript, figures and tables.

As soon as a manuscript is received, it will be examined to ensure that it is effectively formatted.

If perhaps, the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) will be required to provide an e-copy of the manuscript consisting of figures as image files, etc. (whereabouts can be added).




Manuscript must be typed in English, double spaced throughout with at least 3-cm margins on paper approximately 22 ´ 28 cm (8 1/2 ´ 11 in.) in size. Please check with the most recent concern of the journal for style and format. Number all pages consecutively; you start with the title page. Use metric units of measure; other units may be given in parentheses. Typically, only three levels of titles are recognized. The manuscript should be organized as follows.

Title Page: The title ought to be brief and particular. The title ought to contain in the accompanying request: title, name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s) including city, state, postal code, and nation, and a recommended running head of not more than 50 characters and spaces. Likewise, indicate the author to whom correspondence should be addressed, with complete mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail (essential for sending proof). In general, no more than two shared first and/or senior authorships can be considered and they must be appropriately justified in the letter to the editor at the time of submission. The rule can be reassessed on a case-by-case basis for manuscripts arising from multicenter collaborations, but please note that the publishers will not list more than two corresponding authors. In the case of two listed corresponding authors, the proof will only be sent to the first mentioned corresponding author.

Abstract: An abstract of 300 words or less should begin on page 2. It should contain a concise summary of the results, conclusions, and other significant points in the review.

Key words: For the purpose of subject indexing, provide four to six key words immediately following the abstract.

Text: Every effort should be made to avoid jargon, to spell out all nonstandard abbreviations the first time they are used, and to present the contents of the study as clearly and concisely as possible. In the Materials and Methods section, authors are required to supply sufficient detail for replication of the study. References to previously described methods must be properly cited and also described in moderate detail. References should be given for all discussions and conclusions of previous studies. Trade names may appear in parentheses and should be capitalized. Critical discussions of the literature are preferred more than historically oriented information.

Acknowledgements and Disclosures: Please acknowledge any funding support. In addition, all authors need to disclose any conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, in a separate section before the references. Conflicts of interest may include:

1. Direct ownership of equity or shares in a health care or pharmaceutical company relating to the manuscript, by any author or their immediate family members.

2. Receipt of any form of income by any author or their immediate family members from health care or pharmaceutical companies related to the manuscript within the calendar year preceding original submission.

3. Personal interest such as being an expert witness, public advocate, grantee, consultant, founder, owner, or employee of a health care or pharmaceutical company related to the research.

Use of Animal- and Human-derived tissue: Please confirm within the text that the appropriate ethical and/or regulatory body approved the use of animal- or human-derived tissue (as well as informed consent for humans). With human derived data, articles are published on the understanding that appropriate measures to protect the privacy of the individuals were undertaken.

References: Literature cited should be prepared according to the Council of Science Editors format (citation-sequence system). This format is conveniently in Endnote and the output style is available at the following site: Some examples are provided below. References in the text should be cited by superscript number separated by a comma and listed in numerical order as they appear in the text (double spaced) on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. Journal citations in the reference list should contain the following: (a) reference number NOT in superscript; (b) surnames and initials of all authors (surnames precede initials); (c) title of article; (d) journal title abbreviated as listed in; (e) year; volume, inclusive pages. See the examples shown and refer to Council of Science Editors format for more examples.

Journal Article: Wang Y, Nathanson L, McNiece IK. Differential hematopoietic supportive potential and gene expression of stroma cell lines from midgestation mouse placenta and adult bone marrow. Cell Transplant. 2011;20:707–26.

Book Article/Chapter: Taylor MJ, Baicu, S. Hypothermic perfusion of pancreas: Emphasis on preservation prior to islet isolation. In: Uygun K, Lee CY, editors. Organ preservation and reengineering. Boston (MA): Artech House Publisher; 2011. p. 85-104.

Book: Wang-Fischer Y. Manual of stroke models in rats, 1st ed. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 2009.

Internet Source: Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee. University of Wisconsin-Madison policy for multisite research studies using human pluripotent stem cells [Internet]. Madison (WI): University of Wisconsin-Madison; 2009 [cited 2013 Sep 12]. Available from

An example of an in-text citation is shown below.

Traumatic life events and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are endemic among American civilians 1.

To cite multiple sources, all numbers associated with the reference being cited should be superscript, separated by a comma, with no spaces between them.

Statistics: If statistical analysis was performed, define the tests used in the methods and ensure that it is clear what comparisons are made. Please ensure that appropriate testing was performed when multiple comparisons (i.e., one group compared to more than one other group) were made.

Supplementary Material: Please note that Cell Transplantation is unable to host supplementary material. If you wish to include supplementary material, then you will need to provide a link to a permanent hosting site of this material within the manuscript.

Tables: All tables must be created in Microsoft Word. Tables should be numbered and cited sequentially in the text. Prepare each table as a separate page at the end of the manuscript text, after the references. Avoid very wide or long tables that would not fit a printed page. Each table should have a title, and each column in the table should have a brief heading. Define all abbreviations in the table footnote at the bottom of the table.

Figures: Figures should be numbered and cited sequentially in the text. Each figure should be provided as a separate file (see Final Figure Files). Include all parts of a figure (e.g., A, B, etc.) as one file. Do not use light lettering and shading that will not reproduce well. Figure dimensions and scaling should be suitable for reduction (if necessary) to fit column or page size. Care must be taken that letters and other symbols do not become so small that they are illegible when the figure is reduced. Complex formulas should be prepared as illustrations. (Do not embed figures within the manuscript text.) The author is required to bear the costs for the publication of color figures (costs and color authorization form will be provided at proof stage). Authors may submit a color photograph for consideration as a cover photo for the issue in which their article appears.

Figure Legends: Each figure legend must have a short title that concisely describes the content of each figure. List all figure legends sequentially on one or more pages at the end of the manuscript text, after the references, and identify all symbols used in the figures. The figure legend should be as clear as possible and should fully describe the contents of the figure. (Do not include the figure legend as part of the figure). If the figure is from a previously published article, indicate that permission has been obtained from the original publisher.

Figure Files: Each figure should be provided as a separate, high-resolution file. Simple black and white figures (e.g., line graphs, bar graphs, etc.) should be 1200 dpi. Halftone and color figures (or combo figures) should be 600 dpi. Final figure files should be submitted as tiff, jpg, or eps format. Do not include the figure number as part of the figure file (e.g., do not label Figure 1, etc., as part of the figure). Do not provide color in a figure file unless the figure will be printed in color (note there is a cost for printing figures in color).

Permissions: If data from any other source is used in tables or figures it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission to reproduce such material. Provide proof that permission has been granted from the original publisher and indicate the source. Page Proofs: All material accepted for publication is subject to copyediting. Authors will receive page proofs of articles before publication, along with an Open Access authorization form (with the final cost based on the number of printed pages) and Color Figure authorization form (if there are potential color figures), which will need to be completed and returned before the article can be processed for publication. Note that if the figures were originally in color but you decide not to print in color at proof stage the text/legends may need to be modified to reflect this change. Please note that if the lack of color makes the figure difficult to interpret then revised figures (or agreement to pay for color) may be required.

Author Responsibilities: Authors listed on a manuscript must have made a significant contribution to the study and/or writing of the manuscript. During revisions, authors cannot be removed without their permission and that of the other authors. All authors must also agree to the addition of new authors. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that this occurs.

Financial support and conflicts of interest for all authors must be declared. Further information on this can be obtained from the International Committee for Medical Journal Editors (

The reported research must be novel and authentic and the authors should confirm that the same data has not been and is not going to be submitted to another journal (unless already rejected). Statements made in the introduction and discussion should be supported by appropriate references and sufficient experimental detail should be provided to allow for repetition of the study by another group. Plagiarism of the text/data will not be tolerated and could result in retraction of an accepted article. Any text or figures reproduced for another source require the permission of the original copyright holders (normally the publishers).

Any manipulation of figures should be equally applied and described in the text including pseudo-coloring and must not change the meaning of the figure.

When humans, animals or tissue derived from them have been used, then mention of the appropriate ethical approval must be included in the manuscript.

Reviewer Responsibilities: Reviewers are expected to not possess any conflicts of interest with the authors and research. They should review the science objectively and provide recommendations for improvements where necessary. When aware of relevant published work not being cited, the reviewers should recommend inclusion of these references. If the reviewer feels that they would be unable to repeat the study as described, then additional methodological details should be requested. Any unpublished information read by a reviewer should be treated as confidential.

Editorial Responsibilities: The section editors are expected to select an appropriate number of reviewers for the manuscript so that they can make an informed decision about whether to reject/accept a manuscript. Their decision must be based only on the paper’s importance, originality and clarity and whether it is suitable for the journal. They must not have a conflict of interest with the authors or work described. The anonymity of the reviewers must be maintained.

Should problems come to light after acceptance then the editors agree to promote the publication of corrections and/or retractions as deemed necessary.

Publishing Responsibilities: The publishers agree to ensure that to the best of their abilities, the information that they publish is genuine and ethically sound. If publishing ethics issues come to light, not limited to accusations of fraudulent data or plagiarism, during or after the publication process, they will be investigated by the editorial board including contact with the authors’institutions if necessary, so that a decision on the appropriate corrections, clarifications or retractions can be made. The publishers agree to publish this as necessary so as to maintain the integrity of the academic record.