• Acta Epigenetica

Ergonomics 4.0: The Role of Human Operator in the Future Smart Production Environment

Acta Ergonomica [2020; 1(1):1-4]
Received: 30 January 2020, Accepted: 07 February 2020, Published: 13 February 2020

The forthcoming era of industry 4.0 is promoting the spread of cloud and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies as the key-enablers of a new interconnected working environment where machines and human operators are supposed to cooperate together within a smart production system. Coherently with such view, the manufacturers of operating machines are implementing artificial intelligence in their products, transforming automated machines into cyber physical systems (CPS), with advanced interoperability features and ideally capable of coordinating with each other autonomously. CPS are thus supposed to be the manufacturing resources of next generation capable of interacting with each other, with the environment and with the human operators in seamless integrated production environment. 

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